As an ISSWSH member, you will be part of a professional organization whose purpose is to:
- Provide opportunities for communication among scholars, researchers and practitioners about women's sexual health.
- Support the highest standards of ethics and professionalism in research, education and clinical practice of women's sexual health.
- Provide the public with accurate information about sexual health of women and people assigned female at birth.
Some of our exceptional benefits include:
Excellent Scientific Programs
Our annual meetings offer unrivaled scientific programs with state-of-the-art lectures and faculty specializing in a variety of areas related to women's sexual health.
Reduced Meeting Registration Fees
As a member of the ISSWSH, your meeting registration fees are significantly reduced. And, you will receive meeting information well in advance of the meeting dates.
Access to ISSWSH Community Forum
The ISSWSH Community Forum is a platform that allows members to post a topic and receive feedback from the ISSWSH community. Topics are organized into categories; For Example, Case Consultation, Request Information or Special Interest Groups. An important way to utilize this platform is to consult with colleagues on challenging cases or other concerns or questions you may have related to your practice. With an account in the ISSWSH Community Forum each member's profile and communication preferences are customizable.
- Exclusive ISSWSH Trainee Group: This closed group within the Communtity Forum is exclusive to students, residents and fellows, and allows junior members to network, post and discuss educational questions and ask peer related professional advice.
Access to the Online Members Only Section
Your ISSWSH member ID number gives you access to the ISSWSH online member's only section. This section allows you to access your account, update your profile, search other members, and access resources available to members only. These resources include the ISSWSH Community Forum, Online Learning Modules through ISSM University, Clinical Pearls, Business Meeting information, membership survey data, ISSWSH presentation materials, access to discounted slide deck and other recommended resources.
ISSM University
Your ISSWSH membership includes access to ISSM University, the primary online educational resource in sexual medicine. ISSM University provides you with access to presentations, e-posters, literature reviews, case studies/discussions with experts, meeting webcasts, reports from the International Consultations on Sexual Medicine, and more.
Provider Directory
ISSWSH members whose professional activity is (partially) devoted to the practice of women’s sexual health and who see patients may be listed in the provider directory. The directory is available to the public who wish to search for a provider in their area.
Eligibility for ISSWSH Research Grants
Open to mentees of ISSWSH members, the ISSWSH Scholars in Women’s Sexual Health Research Grants Program provides funding for undergraduate, graduate or medical students, residents in graduate medical education training programs, and post-doctoral/post-residency fellows who are mentored by an ISSWSH member.
Eligibility for ISSWSH Fellowship
ISSWSH members who meet the eligibility criteria may apply for the ISSWSH Fellow designation (IF). The IF designation signifies training in the interdisciplinary, collaborative management of female sexual health within a clinical or research track.

ISSM Membership
Enhance the value of your membership by also including membership to the International Society for Sexual Medicine (ISSM) for an additional $125 (category A countries) or $90 (category B countries).
ISSWSH members with joint ISSM membership will now have the following benefits:
- Free subscriptions to the ISSM family of 4 journals: the Journal of Sexual Medicine (JSM), Sexual Medicine Open Access Journal (SMOA), Sexual Medicine Reviews (SMR), and the Video Journal of Prosthetic Urology (VJPU).
- Access to a network of over 3,000 International Sexual Medicine Specialists amongst others via the ISSM Discussion Forum.
- Discounted fees for attending the Biennial World Meetings, and all other ISSM meetings/symposia.
ISSWSH members with an interest in a joint ISSM membership can tick the appropriate box on the membership application form or contact
Apply for ISSWSH Membership Today!
If you have questions about the member benefits, member categories, or the application, please contact the ISSWSH office at +1 (952) 683 9025 or email us at
Membership applications received after October 1 will be deferred to the next calendar year. If you've applied and been approved for membership after October 1, your benefits will not begin until January 1.